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I have been drawn to the Art since I was a child; mainly, to music, painting and literature. At the same time, I feel a big admiration and closeness to Nature, being this the centre of my work. In my youth, when I took my first camera in my hands, I started realizing about the opportunities of this machine; just capturing what it was in front of me during the first years. 

However, in the last years, I have been looking for images that reflect my subjective view and imagination, developing my own style in the photography. This path has brought me to feel the photography in an intense way, up to become the source of many joys and frustrations.

Many of the photographs you will find here belong to the first stage; others, however, are the result of my continuos searching. Hope you will enjoy these photographs and you will feel the sensations they evoke me when I took them.


Baso bizia - Bizi basoa, Inkernu bar, Eskoriatza.

Baso bizia - Bizi basoa, K2 pub, Bilbo.


Baso bizia - Bizi basoa, Ibaia brewery, Agurain.

Baso bizia - Bizi basoa, Arkupe, Aretxabaleta.


Baso bizia - Bizi basoa, Kajoi bar, Arrasate.


Sentsaziozko Parajeak, Arrate Kultur Elkartearen Topalekua, Eibar.

Sentsaziozko Parajeak, Mirentxu bar, Eskoriatza.

Sentsaziozko Parajeak, Nahikari bar, Bergara.

Sentsaziozko Parajeak, Luis bar, Oñati

Sentsaziozko Parajeak, Iñigo Arregi gallery, Arrasate.


Lasaitasun eta Eldarnioaren Arteko Munduetan, Patrazio Travagli´s study, Florence (Italy).

Lo Sguardo d´un Poeta a Firenze, The Marble Arch pub, Pistoia (Italy).

Lo Sguardo d´un Poeta a Firenze, Centro Popolare Autogestito, Florence (Italy).

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